Read on, and enjoy!!
(please ignore how totally kaali i look :-s it's not my fault he's so gora!)
My morale is usually low in the morning. Nowadays especially so, because I keep promising myself that I'll jog when I set an alarm at 1 am every night ;p Last to last Friday was no different... there was a lot of confusing work to be done, I didn't have a phone because I had left my phone's charger behind in Houston and generally my day was dragging on and on. Then in swooped the savior of the day! Jorry came in with a boxof donuts-- there were some that were glazed, some had a jam center, some with a creamy core and some called "Chocolate Froth" that melt in your mouth :) He also got my phone charger along, so you can imagine how wonderful the world suddenly seemed to be. After a trip around the building offering donuts to all and sundry, enjoying their delight as if on Christmas morning, I got back to work... well I tried to ;p
My phone picked this moment to announce its comeback-- "Bebbe, no one so saaxxyyy..." whoops!!
:D All in all, a good way to end a blaah week :)
If you're wondering about my friend Jorry's interesting looking t-shirt, let me explain. These crazed baseball fans had a crazy bet about how the team from San Antonio would do. As you can see, Jorry lost the bet!! So Travocie (the Afro in the yellow tshirt from the baseball pic) made him this Tshirt ;p cool huh!
Another condition of the bet allowed Travocie to ask Jorry to "Gimme twenty!!" push-ups anywhere, right there! Which apparently created quite a stir at a local mall ;) Their only regret was that Travocie hadn't picked Sunday mass at a church, for the scene :D
The Tshirt says : "Most come to Texas and Get Laid. I got SPURRED! Go San Antonio!"
nice caption
okay, some1 seems to be back to their blog.
@rodeja: ditto. nice caption
what the HELL do you guys mean by "NICE CAPTION" :-0 kinda convinces me that you guys didnt (COULDNT!!) read it :( :( sorry again it all turned out so long. and blaaaah. no make-up comments on this please :(
and i will never let you forget the "NICE CAPTION" thing!
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