Saturday, May 23, 2009

You Always Find Me

Listening to Sufjan Stevens, eating oatmeal cookies
I'm sure that cinnamon smell still lingers in my breath as I exhale
Now I'll add Jeff Buckley and Rosie Thomas to this list, nibble at another crumbly cookie and wonder when I'll see you both again :)


Ranajay said...

2 thumbs up for listening to Sufjan Stevens.

Ranajay said...

Huh, really? Which batchmates? Are an NTUite?

Ranajay said...

Missed out a "you" there :P

Ranajay said...

Do you still update this blog :-\ ?

Ko said...

@ranajay: no... this blog was dedicated to my time in Texas A&M for a summer internship in 2007. My other blogs, however, are alive and kicking :)